
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Green Nutrition

There are a lot of "diet" foods out there.  Sugar free pudding, low fat ice cream, lite bread and so on.  In the past I have eaten lots of these foods and at the time I thought they were amazing! Low calorie versions of some of my favorite foods, what could have been better? But after I ate them I usually felt sort of bloated and gross because I had eaten way more than I should have and my stomach was trying to digest the fake sugars and fillers.  Many people think that these types of foods are healthier than the real versions because they don't have as many calories or as much fat. However they often have other things in them that are not so healthy to replace those calories and fat grams in them.  Added sugars, modified food starch plus all those ingredients you can't pronounce.  Don't get me wrong, you can definitely lose weight eating these foods, however it doesn't necessarily mean you'll be healthy or doing what's best for your body.  This is where green nutrition comes in.

Green nutrition is all about eating food that is real, whole and fresh in amounts that are reasonable.  Having 1/2 a cup of ice cream made with only a few ingredients, instead of a cup or more of low fat ice cream; or savoring a slice of freshly baked bread with butter, instead of several pieces of lite bread slathered in margarine and sugar free jam.  I think that when you eat real foods as opposed to imitations of those foods you feel more satisfied and tend to eat less and in the long run achieve a healthier body overall.  Here are some basic tips for eating green:

Eat real food: Sort of sounds like a no brainer, but this means eating foods that haven't been overly processed or turned into something you don't recognize.  Foods that don't have a long ingredient list or don't have an ingredient list at all; like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans.

Eat local in season foods: buying local foods ensures freshness and helps support farmers.  Plus local vegetables that are fresh from the farm and haven't been in a truck for a week taste sooooo much better!  I get a box delivered every week from the Klesick Family Farm in Stanwood Their vegetables and fruit are gorgeous and delicious! Here is a photo of a few things I just got in my box today.  Look online to see if there is a farm in your area that will deliver produce to you or go to your farmers market once a week.  Many grocery stores have also started to carry local produce.

Eat meat that is humanely raised, free range and grass fed - if you have ever watched Food Inc. you will never think about your meat in the same way again.  Meat that comes from animals raised in a feed lot or a chicken house is more likely to be contaminated and the animals are incredibly mistreated before they are killed.  If you choose to eat meat pick what you buy carefully.  An interesting fact from the movie Food Inc. that really surprised me is that cows that eat grass and not corn have far less ecoli bacteria in their gut.  Cows are not really meant to eat a corn diet, their stomachs are designed to digest grasses.  If you take a corn fed cow and give it grass instead it will shed 80% of the ecoli bacteria in its gut in 5 days.  Something to think about! Free range and grass fed meat can also be leaner so it has less fat and calories.

Eat organic foods if you can: Eating organic foods is great, however there are lots of local farms that grow their food very carefully but can't afford to be certified organic. Plus not everyone can afford to buy organic items.  Its better to eat lots of fresh, whole, real foods, even if they aren't organic. Organic doesn't necessarily mean something is healthy for you.  They make organic cookies and chips too!

These are just a few ways that you can have a greener diet and become healthier in the process.  By eating more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean meats and staying away from processed packaged foods you can lose weight, feel better and often save money!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why Green?

There is something about the smell of a natural foods store that I just love. It's earthy and fresh and real. It tells you the food here was not engineered in a lab somewhere, it does not have a million ingredients you can't pronounce and it didn't come from 2,000 miles away.  This food was grown by a farmer near by, made simply and treated with care.  This is what "Green" is to me.  My passion for natural, real foods started about 22 years ago when I was about five and went with my family to Marlene's Market and Deli, a natural foods store near our house.  That experience has since turned into a career in dietetics and an opportunity to help people be healthier by eating green.